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Tuesday, July 19, 2011


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Sherry Reson

Please, Sir, may I have some more? You've already got me thinking about how to apply what you have learned to a product one can neither eat nor drink, i.e, public affairs/current events podcasts.


What I found particularly interesting was where you said "At least three other brands trying to get into the U.S. have either axed their U.S. agencies or allowed them to become a non-issue." If this is a new trend then won’t it have profound implications for the PR industry? Personally I think it’s great that company owners or administrators now have the ability to handle advertising and marketing in new territories without having to go through PR middlemen.


Well, I didn't say it was a "trend", it's just what I've observed from three smallish companies in this particular niche.

Make no mistake: There will always be a market for the guy who can tell your company's story better than you can.

That said, I surmise that these axed agencies functioned as little more thanvalue-added fulfillment houses rather than communications consultancies.

The lesson for PR folks--agency or otherwise--is that there will be more consistent need to prove value on a day-to-day and long-term basis. This means that the tasks we current ascribe to PR folks will necessarily change.

Thanks for stopping by.

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