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Thursday, January 05, 2012


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A Facebook User

Responsible editing by public relations practitioners is welcome on Wikipedia provided our conflict of interest guidelines are followed.

Most reported trouble involves over the top behavior.

Tony Ahn

Hi, to the author of this article, I'm a PR practitioner that has been quietly working on a solution to this issue for a while now, and I've come up with something that has satisfied several administrators and even a member of WMF. Feel free to contact me for more information. My Wikipedia username is I'm Tony Ahn


Wikipedia has strict notability and content guidelines that would seemingly put it immediately at odds with Public Relations purposes.

There’s no worse PR than when some politician’s office or PR company is caught editing entries for their clients. I’m sure it can be done – extremely carefully so it flies below the radar of most Wikipedia editors.

Any steps taken to reconcile the open-source ethos of Wikipedia with corporate PR needs are a positive thing, in my opinion.


I followed a link from Wikipedia to this blog. I am interested in increasing the number of companies with a Wikipedia entry. I have witnessed first hand the bias at Wikipedia against adding such material (see for example the article about Realtytrac that was only revived recently after being deleted more than once).

I am dismayed though that you have chosen to communicate through a Facebook Group. I wonder why the contents of this Group are not available to the public (I will not join Facebook)?

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