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Thursday, April 19, 2012


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Holly Grande

Thank you for the clarification, Phil. I'm a quiet observer of the CREWE Page, and I was a bit surprised by the headlines going out after Dr. DiStato's paper went live.

Most of the time, Wikipedia is an incredible example of crowdsourcing. But in a few important areas, it falls short.

I attempted to explain the issue at our company's blog, and I would love to hear your thoughts: http://www.cookerlypr.com/2012/04/wikipedia-vs-public-relations.html.

Looking forward to your upcoming posts on CREWE.


I would love to see the your Facebook Group, however I refuse to become a FB member just for that purpose.

Why not set up a Group where the public can view contents, no strings attached?


Probably the best place for that is if you joined WikiProject:Cooperation.

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